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Shivering, still awake
In anticipation of exhaustion
I am chased by undead memories
Driven by blazing trepidations
Endlessly dazed are my senses
Dancing shadows upon my heart

A desert inside of me, a carnival in my head
The previous life hauls over me
Unable to move my limbs
I behold this distant world through kaleidoscops
Unable to catch clear thoughts
Trapped in the universe of this bitter reality
I am narrowed by laughing mirrors

My lovely muse, where are you now
you hide behind your gravest mask
show me the path out of this catatonic status
to unbind this suffocated cry

Hey angel of redemption, please ease my bleeding pain
Drown me in a blackend lake for neverending sleep
through a mad time lapse, befogged I watch the past
How sweet it could be - to go down

Now drop your cynic mask
To unbind my suffocated cry!

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